Eight students will read excerpts from their College Writing 1 personal essays at this year's Emerging Voices event on April 26th from 5:00-7:00 in the Women's Building Formal Lounge.
Emerging Voices readers include:
Neil Agarwal, "The Sushi Buddha"
Harkirat Anand, Untitled
William Choi, "Three-Fingered'
Scott Lu, "Passing"
Ellen Peng, "Is It Ren or Ren?"
Connor Rudmann, "Pentecost"
Victoria Xu, "Roots"
Zhanqi Zhang, "Heat, Anxiety, and Release"
We acknowledge the following students who are unable to read at Emerging Voices.
Chabelis Byamana, "Beyond the Visual"
Dylan Chan, "How to Survive a New York Winter"
Lluvia Garcia, "Viva La Raza"
Gabrielle Jung, "In His Name"