Writing Portfolio Eligibility Form

The asterisk indicates a required field. If you have questions about this form, or about the portfolio review process, please contact the College Writing Program Office at collegewriting@wustl.edu or 314-935-4899.

Engineering students should not complete this form; contact the McKelvey School of Engineering about the engineering English Proficiency Requirement.

Composition/writing courses are those in which writing instruction is a central feature of the curriculum and assignments. These are usually not the same as writing intensive courses or courses in which you wrote a significant number of papers.
Not Eligible

Thank you for checking your eligibility. Since you were exempt from your prior college/university's first-year writing course and/or did not take a composition/writing course at your prior college/university, you are not eligible to submit a portfolio. Therefore, you must take College Writing (L59 111-120) during your first year of study at Washington University.

We will communicate this information to your advisor. Questions about this placement decision should be directed to the College Writing Program Office at collegewriting@wustl.edu or (314) 935-4899.

Best of luck in your first year at Washington University!

Note: Your submission will not be received until you select "Submit" below. You may be included on reminder emails until your submission is received.

Submit a Writing Portfolio

Based on your initial answers, you are eligible to submit a portfolio for review.

I. Student Information
II. General Course Information

Please describe any composition/writing courses you took at your prior college/university (do not include high school courses or information about AP exams/coursework). Include the title of the course(s) and a brief description of the course’s overall goals. We will compare this information to your transcript; where possible, you should include course numbers.

III. Course Activities
What percentage of class time was devoted to the following activities?
VI. Writing Portfolio

Click "Browse your device" below to upload up to four writing samples from previous course work.  

At least one sample should come from your previous writing course, and at least one sample should include research. If you wish, you may also upload a syllabus. Please include your full name in the description and use your WashU email in the Email Address field.

All submitted work must be your own and adhere to the College Writing and Washington University policies on Academic Integrity.

Your files are only submitted once you see "Success!" in the box below.

IV. Course Topics
Developing arguments based on the analysis of others *
Developing original arguments based on close analysis of written texts *
Developing original arguments based on close analysis of visual / other kinds of texts *
Using the internet to identify, locate, and select researched sources *
Distinguishing between primary and secondary sources *
Distinguishing between scholarly and non-scholarly sources *
Using library resources to identify, locate, and select researched sources *
Using online databases to identify, locate, and select scholarly journal articles *
Using research in order to master a topic/subject area *
Using research in order to report what others have said about a topic, without registering your own views *
Using research in order to better understand your own views about a subject *
Putting primary and secondary sources into conversation with one another *
Evaluating researched sources critically; showing where your views differ from theirs *
Distinguishing between summary and paraphrase, and writing accurate, responsible versions of each *
Learning the conventions of academic integrity and how to avoid plagiarism *
Treating writing as a series of conscious choices *
Treating revision as an ongoing process *
Focusing on writing process and its relationship to written product *
Exploring the relationship between form and content in written work *
Practicing writing in-class, in various forms *
V. Other Information
Please reflect on your experiences as a writer and provide feedback on the following questions.
5 + 7 =
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