Terri has a bachelor’s degree in mass communication and journalism and a master’s degree in English from Southeastern Louisiana University. While completing her master’s degree, she was the freshmen composition teaching fellow and worked in the university’s Writing Center wherein she worked one-on-one with students in understanding and honing their writing process. Her scholarly interest focuses on the application of psychoanalytical theory, specifically second-wave Lacanian gaze theory, to classic cinema in order to understand spectator desire and gender positions. Terri’s publication history includes “There’s Nothing Wrong with Ellen: Feminine Positions in John M. Stahl’s Leave Her to Heaven” in the Fall 2015 edition of The Pick and her master’s thesis, “You Have to Come a Long Way—From the Beginning of Time—to Kill Yourself: Feminine Desire in Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon, At Land, and Ritual in Transfigured Time.” Terri utilizes her analytical interests in the classroom by showing students how moving past surface-level findings leads to deeper conversations and how they can apply the skill to their academic and prospective careers

Terri Taylor
Senior Lecturer in College Writing
MA, Southeastern Louisiana University
contact info:
- Email: taylorterri@wustl.edu
- Office: Mallinckrodt 134
mailing address:
- College Writing Program
- MSC 1096-153-122
- Washington University
- 1 Brookings Drive
- St. Louis, MO 63130-4899